Friday, January 15, 2010


So, I need to remember to take pictures of food BEFORE it's eaten! Here's the remnants of what was a lovely German apple pecan pancake we had for breakfast (along with ham that had been boiled a little in apple cider, then I reduced the cider and thickened with some mustard to serve with it). It was a hit, as you can tell by the leftovers, and I'm grateful Cooper's not deathly allergic to nuts :-| It's another rain/cold day which is perfect because Sawyer's playing with his friend Mario (Super Mario, that is), Cooper's getting ready to go down for a nap, and I'm staring at a mountain of laundry, some bathrooms that look like what you might find in an all-male college dorm, and carpet that is a different color for lack of a recent vacuuming. I'm very much looking forward to visiting with an old friend for lunch tomorrow, so perhaps that will keep me singing "A Spoonful of Sugar" while I'm cleaning (and I'm still trying to figure out how that whole "snapping" thing works). Toodles!

1 comment:

katgirlsue said...

"In a most delightful way!" The pancake must've been good judging from the pan. Maybe you'll make one for us when we come that way.