Monday, March 8, 2010

Kids Really Do Say the Darndest Things

So, I was cleaning dishes this weekend, gazing with a lightness of love in my heart at my baby who sat happily playing on the floor, longingly watching his big brother and Papa building something out of tinker toys. It was one of those breaths in time where all is right with the world and you can't imagine a more perfect moment. As my eyes drifted back down to the spontaneously generating pile of dishes, I heard my husband laughing and telling my son to "go show your Mama." It was one of those laughs that left little question something completely inappropriate was happening . . . the kind of thing you really shouldn't laugh about for fear of encouraging the behavior but that nevertheless finds you lacking mature parenting skills and instead giggling like an idiot. Clutched firmly with both of my sons hands was one of the tinker toy rods hovering just below his waist. With a big smile on his face he said . . . uh hem . . . "Look, Mama. I have a long penis!" Yes, I managed to contort my face so my smile looked more akin to horrible indigestion. Score one responsible-mother point for me. I just hope they don't have tinker toys at his school . . .